So guess what i'm supposed to be doing right now...even though it is almost 2 in the morning...and it's not sleeping. Nope!! I'm not sleeping tonight. I'm supposed to be studying for my midterm tomorrow, but I hate studying. So i'm taking a "break." Who likes to study....seriously??
Ok i'd just like to put this down. I'm not outspoken. Most of the time I'm pretty quiet. I laugh at jokes, smile and nod, and even say a few words now and again. That doesn't mean I can't have fun or be crazy or go out and have a good time...because I can, and do sometimes. But unless you are carrying on a real conversation with real topics and really actually talking about real things, i'm probably not going to participate much in the "talking." I'm all for the witty banter...I just can't do it myself very well. Too nice I guess, that's what i've been told anyway. Ok I just really needed to rant about that...thanks for listening.
So this weekend has been like SUPER CRAZY!!!! Let me tell you how absulotely crazy. I have this big midterm project that is due tomorrow (or today actually). I have to arrange a Chopin etude for brass, strings, percussion and piano. Actually I chose those instruments but I had to choose them from among others. But that's beside the point. I have to do this project on a music arranging and composing software called Finale. Let me tell you what I think of Finale. RAWR!!!!! It's just plain silly! Finale was programmed by the computer nerds who wanted to write music. The way it is put together is awful. You can't find anything, and its more oriented toward a computer nerd process of thought rather than a musician. Now on the other hand, Sebelius is another composing software that is like Finale only it is a software programmed by musicians for musicians. Much better.
Anyway, I have to use Finale and the only place to do it is in the music computer lab, which is only open at odd hours in the day. I never have time to get in there and work on it! So that is what I have been doing all weekend. TRYING to get into the computer lab. Well, after getting someone to open the lab and let me in, I sat in a vinyl chair (actually I don't know what kind of chair it is but I've always wanted to use that word) for 6 hours and finished my project. FINALLY!!! But no, no freedom yet. I still have to study for this midterm in the same class that should have been last week, but he cancelled it. Blah. So now I have to try to make sure I know everything for the midterm as well too. Plus I have a rehearsal tomorrow that I'm not ready for becuase some of the music is not up to tempo. We'll see how it goes. After wednesday afternoon, I'll be able to breathe again. So I guess I should get back to studying...stupid tests...
Oh...and it's cold and wet outside. I don't mind wet, but its too cold!!!! brrrr.......
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