Sunday, November 22, 2009

Last concert for 2009: Philharmonic

You are going to want to kick me and I'm sorry. I have my last NIU concert tomorrow night. I am playing with the NIU Philharmonic orchestra tomorrow night (Monday) November 23, 2009 at 8:00pm CENTRAL TIME. You can watch this concert via webcast, just like the others. I know it's really last minute. Spread the word. Remember, this is a LIVE webcast and is likely the performance will not be archived for future view.

Here is the program:

Mahler - Kindertotenlieder (I play in this one)
Myron Myers, bass
Program notes: Kindertotenlieder (Songs on the Death of Children) is a song cycle for voice and orchestra by Gustav Mahler. The words of the songs are poems by Friedrich Rückert. You can read about Mahler's inspiration and find the lyrics to the 5 sung poems HERE. They are very sad, but the music is beautiful at the same time.


Schubert - Symphony No. 9, in C Major, "The Great"
(I do not play in this one, but it is a great piece nevertheless)

You can get to the LIVE webcast through this link:

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