Whew....I am just wiped!! My mom and I finally ordered P90X. For those who don't know what that is it is a hard core 90 day program desiged to get you in excellent shape. The best part, it's designed more for ppl who are already athletes!! (although anyone can do it I might add). You can customize the workouts to fit your athletic ability and your personal goals too. My goals right now is not to necessarily lose weight (you know I'm already small) but to get toned and reduce my overall % body fat. I may be small and I may have muscles but a lot of them are weak and flabby because I don't really use them anymore since I stopped swimming after highschool. So I'm really excited about it, becuase come 90 days (or even over the next month) I'm going to be in a lot better shape. I took "before pics" and I can't wait to take the "after pics."
So I started yesterday (Monday). I did a chest and back workout....which was basically a lot of pullups and pushups...in fact I did sets of about 6 different kinds of pushups. Youch. And if anyone says it's not what it seems, that you don't work that hard or sweat....um I beg to differ. I was sweating buckets!! Well not buckets but there was a lot of sweat. And my arms hurt. I also did 15 minutes of abs. My mom really liked a lot of those and wants to incorporate some of them into our dryland workouts for our groups this summer (we coach swimteam).
Today I did plyometrics, which is basically a lot of jumping around/coordination moves involving a lot of squats and jumping exercises...using those big muscles in your legs gets your heartrate up too...so now my legs are beat. Tomorrow is gonna hurt, but I'm excited.
I know I'm being silly, but I'm a very athletic person and I do care about how I look...mostly I want to be stronger and more confident in myself and I'm tired of not working out enough, a bad habit I got into at college. And I want to be in shape when I eventually have a family and kids so I have better habits and hopefully not gain a lot of weight. So wish me luck!!
Way to go, Michelle. It's always something that's helped me feel better about myself too. I'm proud to say, I'm finally getting back in shape after the baby, and it rocks!
So how is the training going? It sounds like a really intense program, but I've heard people get great results. I'm sure you will look amazing afterwards!
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