Monday, December 8, 2008


So....yeah. It's been snowing. A lot. Except today, where it is raining/iceing. I wish I were one of those ppl that jumps up and down with excitement at all the white stuff floating in the air. Well, ok....I used to be one of those ppl. That is until about 2 years ago. I used to love snow...was fascinated by it, loved to play in it, loved watching it fall, loved skiiing and snowboarding. Then the disgusting winter of last year happened (see "Weather Blurb" post). And I discovered that I really am not that facsinated by it anymore. See, when I was living in TX, it doesn't snow much, if at all....maybe an inch, and usually doesn't stick. And we usually would just get freezing rain instead anyway. So it was a treat when it snowed....and the city would shut down too, no school, awsome. Well, I loved how it snowed when I moved to Muncie. I was so excited and fascinated by all the white stuff falling to the ground and accumulating to 3-4 inches at a time, sometimes more.

And then I got my car.

And then I discovered the joys of driving in the snow. I learned how to break, how to put on the gas, how to cruise over an ice patch, and learned the hard way to never let the windsheild get too hot becuase the snow will melt then freeze into ice, and the concept of ice scrapers and stuff let me tell you! As much as I enjoyed the chores of owning a car that lives outside in the snow, I still was fascinated by the snow. I remember valentines day of 07...there was a huge snowstorm and Ball State closed for 3 days...that never happens. But it was fun to be stuck inside watching the snow get higher and higher...we got about 2 feet on top of the 8 inches we already had. But winter of 08.....I think that is when I really decided that I didn't like snow that much (again see "weather blurb" post). Everything was so disgusting all the time. And I've been able to overlook all the sparkly prettiness to see the true facts about snow:

1) it's cold
2) it melts in your socks
3) it's cold
4) it gets into your house
5) it's cold
6) it makes the city one slushy mud pie
7) Nothing slows down traffic more
8) okay, it's really cold!!!!

That about sums it up. I'm all for snow....just not as much as I used to....unless I am flying down a mountain on flat things you strap to your feet or can sit in, I'm all for just watching the snow from inside my warm house....yeah....

1 comment:

The Petersen Family said...

I am so with you...I hate the cold. And it only snows when it is cold outside. Dallin and I played in the snow again this morning. It hasn't snowed much since Thanksgiving weekend, thankfully! i'm sorry you are getting so much. It is pretty to watch from INSIDE, when you are curled up in a blanket :)