"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . . . it's about learning how to dance in the rain." - Anonymous
Saturday, September 27, 2008
my new do!!!
my first post!!
Hmm...I guess i'll start with this summer...since i actually have pics of it. I went to Hot Springs Music Festival. And it was a BLAST. I mean it. 2 full weeks of playing, practicing and r
Vienn and Christina
This was the music...yikes!!
The town of Hot Springs is so cool too. We were located in the historic district, which is a strip full of tiny private shops and restaurants. The Pancake Shop...oh they make REAL fresh squeezed OJ and have the best eggs and sausage, all local raised, and pancakes the size of a dinner plate. And the apple butter...don't even get me started. There are the histroric bathhouses there too, as well as tons of art galleries. You can even get fresh hot sping water from a huge fountain in the middle of the district...drink it while its hot, its soooo good!!
Me and Meistro Richard Rosenberg. We performed in the high school fieldhouse.
We also had a Thai exchange student living with us. Noon, my Thai sister. I love her, and still talk to her on Skype sometimes. She intruduced me to Thai food. Can I just say....YUM!!! It is now my favorite food. I have some recipes and I will try some out next week. She is soooo funny though!! She taught me a lot about her culture and even taught me some basic Thai words. Sawadee ka!! It means hello. It is really hard, because it is a tonal language, and each inflection means something different. But Noon says that my pronunciation is really good for an American and that I could learn it really well. That makes me happy, and want to learn Thai. I miss you Sis!!!
Well me and fam went to San Diego and a mini cruise to Cabo San Lucas. Before we got on the boat we toured the old pirate and merchant ships docked there. I'd never been on an old-fashioned ship before. We looked at the ship that was sailed for the movie "Master and Commander". We also looked at an old submarine. Tell you what I wouldn't want to live in one of those. The trip to Cabo was good. I love cruises, becuase you can eat good food any time of day and just lay out on the deck and sunbathe while reading. Good times. Cabo was beautiful. I'd post some pics but my pc is being stupid, so i'll post them later. We did a regada excursion, and helped to sail a real Amerca's Cup racing sailboat, which requires a team of at least 20 so grind cranks and do other various jobs to make the boat go fast. it is hard work but it is lot so fun.
When we got back to San Diego we spent a day and a morning on the beach and surfed...its really fun...i even got filmed surfing. someone was out with the big commercial cameras filming ppl, but i have no idea what they were there for. So maybe i'll be on tv somewhere! The other day Kim and Aly and I went to SeaWorld. I love animals, esp. dolphins, did you know?? SeaWorld was soooo cool. We saw Shamu and dolphins and sea otters. My favorite exhibit there was the bat rays, hands down. They are so sweet and really kinda cute looking. They had a place where you could pet them and feed them pieces of fish. You put the fish in between your fingers, stick it down about a foot, and the rays will swim over your hand and suck the fish up. They would just sit there too and loved to be pet. We went on a behind the scenes tour which took us back behind some of the gates. We walked though an area that had a couple of large tanks. One was for "timeout",
when some of the animals weren't working well together or with thier trainers and they get special one on one time with them. The other two were connected and had a mother dolphin and and her couple week old baby! The personnel didn't even know if it was a boy or girl yet becuase they want time for it to bond to the mother before it has contact with humans. It was sooo cute and small!! We also saw a bunch of wild rescued otters and s
eals, that they take care of until they are ready to be released back into the ocean. And we got to pet sharks...the tiny kind that have suction mouths, but still sharks. And guess what...anyone can be a trainer as long as they have a college degree, is scuba certified, and is a strong swimmer. So even I could be a trainer if I wanted to. Training sealions would be fun...their acts are more like comedy plays. And they make fun of all the other shows.
Ok, so that was all the fun stuff this summer. I supervised at a community pool in Wylie for money. It was actually a good deal becuase I got paid $11 an hour. The downside was working for the YMCA...something less than pleasant in the Dallas area. I won't even go into that. I don't particularly like lifeguarding, but i'll do it if it pays enough. Flipside, I got a GREAT tan. I also got to coach a little with my mom and coaches Brad and Tom for Rockwall Riptides swimteam and went with them to Lonestar, their Y-sponsored state meet. I love coaching age group. I hope in the future I can do more of it. Oh, and I practiced of course, getting ready for my recital.
I then drove back to school in August. And that was my summer. Wow, that was a long post.